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Writer's pictureOld Things Pass Away

The Man Who Knows No Fear

The sun rose from the Earth

The temperature was cooled.

The religious Elders wanted

To murder someone of worth.

They took Him to the governor.

Remorse from the man's betrayer,

Cause self-murder.

The governor asked,

If he was king of Judea.

Fearlessly, He replied, "You said so,"

The Elders who so hated Him

Needed the man to answer them

For their deceived testimony

But He did not answer the matter

The Governor gave a choice.

He knew the Elders' envy.

The Elders chose the innocent.

The Elders sought His death quickly.

In envy did they seek to harm.

Then he washed his hands.

“Crucify him!” the crowd jeered.

Horror, Anger, Angst, and Grudges.

The Fearless would die a Holy death.

“See to it yourselves!”

The governor said,

Afraid of the Fearless.

You have some choices to make.

Don't be a weakling

And run from problems.

Or be a person with a grudge

Who's full of resentment and death?

Or a governor,

Who is insecure?

Be a person of power.

The courage of one man

Can topple the most influential.

You'll be consequential.

Fearlessness against calamity

Is the source of freedom.

Bear your cross and follow the Fearless.

Be the one who rises against death.

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