Judeo-Christian Prophetic Poem #1
The world looks for peace
Not knowing the Son
He's hidden from them
So there is no peace
The people of God
Will desert the palaces
They put trust in themselves
Making them their own gods
They will think, "We will achieve!"
Not knowing what is coming
But darkness is coming
It will cover the Earth
And the stars shall fade
And a mist will appear
And the moon will go red
And the sun blot out
And the world will rejoice
Saying, "Look what we did!"
Then the beast will scatter the proud
They will all say, "Look, I have done it!"
Not having any wisdom to speak of
They will be a powerful people
They will believe there is nothing hidden
The love of many will grow cold
But they will not know any love or light
They will think they are building bridges
Only building up their own destruction
They store up jars of wrath for themselves
They will fear the light they don't know
The wisdom of the world will be brought to ruin
Their god is technology; Their will is to dominate
They do not love God; they do not know God
For they will think that love is beneath them
They conspire, bribe, and have evil plans
They seek vengeance on the earth
And they have a fierce tongue
Their wisdom is profanity and blaspheme
Then, out of the darkness comes a light
Not a light to shine, but to destroy
The fire that comes will burn everything
Their desolation will be anguish
They'll cry out and God will not hear them
Then out of the rocks will come the people of God
A triumphant display of power in the world
No longer sheep, the people of God overcome
They have become the warriors of Christ's army
They will put down the wickedness and evil schemes
But for this purpose, the Lord came
For this purpose, He is coming again
Christ died for the sins of the whole world
And the whole world will not escape judgment
And the faithful will reign with Christ
The husk of the earth
Inherited by the sons of God
The waste of the world is theirs
God's chosen people's dwelling
Glorifying the Son
And the unrighteous shall perish