A Sword
A sacrificing Savior
He has paid the penalty
For your wickedness and mine
He will rule and reign
He will crush His enemies
He will hold an iron rod
I am not deceived
I am not confused
A man of war
A God of war
A man of peace
A God of peace
Light and dark
Echos and balance
Discernment incarnate
They rejected their Savior
But the hope lives on
They have defiled God
But the hope lives on
But hope lives on
"I've come not to bring peace,"
He says courageously,
"I've come to bring a sword."
Through flesh and blood
Bone and marrow
Extremities, members
Illuminate, transfigure
The spear that pierced Him
The nails in His wrists
The crown of thorns
They tell a story
Of pain and suffering
A story of resurrection, recompense, and glory
And of resolution
In eternity